'Called' One-Year Anniversary Giveaway: Let's Encourage Someone Together

'Called' One-Year Anniversary Giveaway: Let's Encourage Someone Together

It was about a year ago that I heard from my friend, Dom; he was holding a copy of Called, the first copy I had ever seen. I made my way to Portland that weekend to speak on C. S. Lewis to a room full of folks at Dom's church. It was then that I saw my words in print for the first time.

It's tough to put into words how much that moment meant. That was one year ago this month.

Reimagining 'Called': Two alternate covers

Reimagining 'Called': Two alternate covers

It was about a year ago that Jen and I were getting ready to sit down for dinner at our good friends' Todd & Emily's home in North Carolina when I saw the first artwork for my book cover. It was a surreal moment.

I'll be honest, before seeing the first cover designs, I was afraid of how it might turn out. 

What if I don't like it? I remember thinking. What if it looks nothing like what my book is actually about and I have to go back and ask them to change it? I don't want to be that guy.

Fortunately, I was thrilled with how the artwork turned out. 

BookPage's Review of Called: Easter Season's Promise of Renewal

Like many folks my age, I first read Donald Miller's Blue Like Jazz in undergrad, when Coldplay was still a new band on the scene, and The Terminator himself had just been elected governor of California. For many of us, Miller's "non-religious thoughts on Christian spirituality," set in the familiar Pacific Northwest I called home, was a rite of passage.

So you can imagine my excitement when, some 10 years later, I stumbled upon a BookPage review that set my new, debut book, Called: My Journey to C. S. Lewis's House and Back Again, alongside Miller's latest work, Scary Close: Dropping the Act and Finding True Intimacy.

Plans Vs. Calling: What's the difference?

What's the difference between making plans and following those plans versus discerning and following a calling? Or is there even a difference? Is following a calling simply placing a divine stamp of approval on our own plans? (Which just might be the ultimate Christian trump card.)

That's the question I consider in an article I wrote for the current issue of Bible Study Magazine.

Being Called ≠ Self-Seeking Suffering: Flipping the divine, radical-adventure motif

What does it mean to be called? More specifically, what does it mean for the Christian to be called?

Does it mean being called to a radical, life-changing adventure? There are a number of recent books that seem to suggest that's exactly what it means.